Thursday, 7 February 2019
HPC is taking part in a consultation meeting on “health, livelihoods and well-being in conflict and fragile contexts” organized by the Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS) in Beirut, Lebanon, from February 7 to 8, 2019.
The meeting aims to discuss with specialized researchers from different Arab countries the vision for a research grants program and key emerging social science research topics in the fields of health and society in the Arab region and identify the role of the working group in the program.
The meeting marks the launch of a new project by ACSS that aims to develop multidisciplinary research in the field of health, well-being and livelihood in conflict and fragile contexts in order to encourage research in this field and develop a model that brings together a working group, a research grants program, publications, mentoring and policy dialogue.
The meeting will include an overview of the grants program at the ACSS, as well as an introduction to health, well-being and livelihood in conflicts and fragile contexts, the research approaches, contexts and gaps and the structure of the role of the working group for the grants program.
The Arab Council for Social Sciences is a regional, independent organization dedicated to strengthening research and generating knowledge in the field of social sciences in the Arab world by supporting researchers and scientific and academic research institutions and aims to enhance the role of social science in public life and inform public policy in the region.