An Assessment of Post-Abortion Care Services in Ministry of Health Hospitals in Jordan
BACKGROUND: A recent hospital-based survey revealed that during 2007 post-abortion cases constituted the second most frequent cause of admission to obstetric departments in MOH hospitals in Jordan. Additionally, according to a 1995/96 Jordan national maternal mortality study, post-abortion complications contribute to 5.5% of all direct obstetric deaths. The most recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) suggested that unmet family planning needs for post-abortion cases is an important contributing factor to the contraceptive prevalence plateau in Jordan. A study to assess the current post-abortion care (PAC) services provided in MOH hospitals was designed; results of the assessment will help in the design of a comprehensive package for PAC services to be introduced in public sector hospitals in Jordan. METHODS: The study conducted in 12 MOH hospitals, involved structured interviews of health care providers and other facility staff members, together with a review of relevant medical records and hospital service delivery statistics. RESULTS: Post-abortion clients constitute approximately 8% of the total admissions to obstetric departments at MOH hospitals. None of the 12 hospitals reviewed currently provide family planning services for clients in the immediate post-abortion period. Most of the hospitals reported a lack of space to store or manage family planning commodities; a lack of clinical protocols and/or guidelines for post-abortion care services; a lack of Information and Education Communications (IEC) materials available to inform clients on various contraceptive methods available for use; and a lack of referral mechanisms between hospital Ob/Gyn departments and family planning clinics for post-abortion care services. Most of the hospitals; 10 of the 12 hospitals surveyed (83%) reported that service providers require training in family planning counseling and service provision. CONCLUSION: This study provides recommendations for the introduction of PAC at MOH hospitals in Jordan in order to reduce unwanted pregnancies and better meet the clients€™ family planning needs.