Research Analysis Report
 The Private Sector Project for Women€™s Health (PSP) is a five-year project 2005 to 2010, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with a mandate to improve the health of Jordanian women and families. The project uses an integrated approach to increase demand for modern contraception and related women€™s health services, increase availability of quality private sector health care services, increase early detection of breast cancer, and address domestic violence against women.    PSP communications support other project activities to focus on modern contraception, early detection of breast cancer and decreased violence against women. Messages are carefully tested among target audiences before sharing through TV and radio spots, TV talk shows, newspaper articles and print materials. Outreach workers, private doctors and Ministry of Health staff provide interpersonal motivation using the PSP materials. Partners include Abu Mahjoub Creations and Jordan Pioneers.   In early 2007, PSP worked with its communications subcontractor Jordan Pioneers (JP) to finalize three year strategies for communications for Family Planning and Breast Cancer to cover the period from 2007-2009. In development of the strategies for Family Planning and Breast Cancer, PSP and JP agreed that the available funding and the rising costs of media placement didn't allow for extensive use of such media. Also, increased satellite availability and high levels of advertising have led to decreased effectiveness of TV spots, while radio is effective only for certain programs and audiences.   Therefore the focus for both FP and BC has been limited to minimum TV PSAs, and more of delivering the messages within regular TV programs (Yoam Gadeed and Ye3id Sabahak). A radio character (Um Saleem) was created for a one minute series that has been broadcast on the most popular radio shows (Alwakeel and Disree). This series, targeting men, provides short messages on family planning methods especially COCs.   Print media- articles in Alghad and Al Rai newspapers and a monthly page in Ard A'Shifaa - continued to play a role in delivering more in depth messages for FP and BC. As for print materials, it has been developed and produced largely to supplement community outreach activities. Three brochures- COCs, POPs and combined modern FP methods have been produced and used by PSP outreach network. BC and VAW brochures, posters and billboards have also been produced and sued for awareness with target audiences.   Evaluation of the impact of PSP interventions in family planning and breast cancer has been conducted since 2005 by Johns Hopkins, DHS and Omnibus. This report presents the results of the research analysis of the findings of different surveys conducted was done during the month of August, 2008. It covers JHCP Surveys (2005-2007), DHS 2002 and 2007 and Omnibus survey of July 2008.