Evaluating the Experience of Jordanian Women With Maternity Care Services
This research is important to identify how future models of maternity care can be more focused on women€™s specific needs, not just on the professionals€™ needs or those of the maternity system. This study was also undertaken to provide hospital administrators and policymakers with evidence on which to base decisions about the organization and provision of health care ..

The Effect of a Health Education Program on Prevalence Anemia among Pregnant Women in Tafila Governorate
Introduction and Objectives:  Anemia during pregnancy is considered a serious and unique health problem, especially in developing countries where the intake of iron rich foods is minimal. The Governorate of Tafileh is believed to be a low socioeconomic community where inappropriate nutritional practices and behaviors that lead to anemia are thought to be common. This ..

Client referral from the public to the private sector for preventive care an IUD insertion referral program in Aqaba
In conversations regarding health care in Jordan, it is not uncommon to contrast the under-utilization of private health services with the congestion found in public health care facilities. Occasional schemes are discussed that might tap this private sector resource in order to expand the health care offerings for the uninsured and indigent. Universal insurance covera ..

Current Contraceptive Practices Among Mothers of Children 0-3 Years Attending UNRWA MCH Clinics (A Follow-up Study)
UNRWA introduced family planning services in 1994 as an integral part of its expanded maternal and child health care programme.    In 1995, a baseline study was conducted in Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank to assess the change in the practices of contraceptive use among refugee mothers of children 0-3 years of age attending UNRWA MCH clinics. In 2000 a ..

Client Satisfaction at Ministry of Health Health Centers: Baseline Study of Facilities, Services and Providers
During 2007 the Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Project in Jordan designed a survey to measure client satisfaction with facilities, services and providers at health centers. The survey focused on key aspects of the major interventions being carried out by HSS, specifically looking at satisfaction with family planning, antenatal care and child care services. It coll ..

An Assessment of Post-Abortion Care Services in Ministry of Health Hospitals in Jordan
BACKGROUND: A recent hospital-based survey revealed that during 2007 post-abortion cases constituted the second most frequent cause of admission to obstetric departments in MOH hospitals in Jordan. Additionally, according to a 1995/96 Jordan national maternal mortality study, post-abortion complications contribute to 5.5% of all direct obstetric deaths. The most recen ..

Hormonal Methods and Female Sterilization
The Physicians€™ KAP study on Hormonal Methods and Female Sterilization was carried out between June and July 2001. The study is part of a larger study designed and implemented by the Engender Health in order to collect data from service providers on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding hormonal methods (oral contraceptives, Norplant, injectables) and female s ..

Acquired and inherited thrombophilia: implication in recurrent IVF and embryo transfer failure
Objective: To determine the incidence of undiagnosed thrombophilic factors and its relation to IVF and embryo transfer failure in women who have had three or more previous IVF€“embryo transfer cycles.   METHODS: The study group comprised of 90 consecutive women with three or more previously failed IVF€“embryo transfer cycles (group A). Two control groups were enrolled ..

Population and Reproductive Health Issues in Jordanian Daily Newspapers
This study comes to shed light on the level of media coverage attempted by local daily newspapers, and the extent of their interest in the reporting on the writing about population reproductive health/family planning related issues.   The methodology followed was characterized by an analytical approach to better understand the scope of coverage the selected newspapers ..

Study on fertility related to socio-economic status

Evaluation of the “Mabrouk II: You’ve Become a Mother and a Father” Initiative,Nov 2010
This report focuses on the Mabrouk II package, which is given toparents when they visit the CSPD to obtain their first baby€™s birth certificate. Therefore,all couples receive the package soon after the birth of their first child. The packageincludes information concerning post-natal care, gender equity, child growth, nutritionand vaccinations, and modern family plann ..

“Hayati Ahla” Campaign Media Survey Results,2010
The Jordan Health Communication Partnership (JHCP) is a 7-year, USAID funded comprehensivenational strategic communication program that envisions a health competent Jordan. Over aperiod of 3 months during the year 2010, JHCP had undertaken a mass media campaign underthe slogan €œHayati Ahla.€ Two main religious messages were delivered through various types ofmedia c ..

Higher Education at a Glance in Jordan

From School to career
1- All three variables: graduates€™ labor market relationships, graduates€™ employment sectors and graduates€™ employment durations, are all significantly related to the key factors examined, although to varying degrees.2- Graduates€™ employment sector is the highest correlated of all three variables when paired with all nine of the key factors tested in this study.3- ..

Research Analysis Report
 The Private Sector Project for Women€™s Health (PSP) is a five-year project 2005 to 2010, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with a mandate to improve the health of Jordanian women and families. The project uses an integrated approach to increase demand for modern contraception and related women€™s health services, increase avai ..

